The Information Revolution Passes Our Boards By

The Information Revolution Passes Our Boards By

The knowledge emerging from the Carillion Inquiry and other reports on the lack of traction from NEDs, casts a dark pallor over the cause of active governance by NED’s.

Nurturing Roles for Growing Better Boardrooms

Nurturing Roles for Growing Better Boardrooms

Arriving at the Charity Gala Preview of this year’s Chelsea Flower Show in time to greet guests, the phrase ‘let a thousand flowers bloom’ came to mind. But of course, it is a misquotation, like many sound bites today.

Governance to reflect the times - 'They are a changing'

By Helen Pitcher

Anniversaries are useful markers, and even the happiest ones offer potential for both celebration and review. The wisdom of Sir Adrian Cadbury, who provided the basis for the UK’s Corporate Governance Code, has served us exceedingly well.

Board Dynamics and Why It Matters

When most people think about effective leadership of an organisation, the first thing that usually comes to mind is the executive team comprising of the C-Suite of roles along with any business critical functions and key directors holding those roles. But in the context of good governance, effective leadership depends on a well-tuned Board; a critical success factor to achieve this is healthy board dynamics.

Merging Boards: An Art or a Science?

Board mergers, usually come as a ‘package’, based on the joining of two, or occasionally more organisations. In working with client Boards who recognise the challenges this creates, we have been able to support the merged Board to rise above this potential legal quagmire, and to focus on behavioural goals of board effectiveness, to provide leadership and ‘signal’ to the organisation an integrated future.

Advanced Boardroom Excellence Newsletter - Looking Back at 2014

In September, 2013, a senior group of individuals who have worked together for over twenty years decided to take a leap of faith and build something new and exciting. Advanced Boardroom Excellence was formed and officially launched in January 2014...

Narcissism, can it be tamed? How might Board Evaluation help?

An article by Helen Pitcher

A recent research paper by MWM called Taming Narcissus provides boards with essential advice on how to spot narcissism and suggests ways to nip it in the bud or 'tame' it.

Maslow and High Performing Boards

Maslow and High Performing Boards

An article by Helen Pitcher

What do Maslow and high performing boards have in common? A recent McKinsey insight report highlights that higher and lower impact board’s depend upon the breadth of issues that directors focus on and tackle.

What do Football Teams and Boards have in Common?

An article by Helen Pitcher

As Stephen Gerrard tweeted during the Brazil v. Germany debacle, Brazil have Neymar, Portugal have Ronaldo but Germany has a team.

The Co-operative Conundrum

The Co-operative Conundrum

An article by Helen Pitcher

I read with sadness the piece by Matthew Goodman in The Sunday’s Times about the Co-operative Group. Goodman suggests that the appointment of Mark Bicknell, a veteran of the Co-op, who has been on various area committees since 2005, was perhaps not quite the radical overhaul modernisers hoped for.

A Milestone for Women on Boards

An article by Helen Pitcher

A stepping stone not a stopping point, is how I would describe the predicted appointment of a female to the last FTSE 100 all male Boardroom.

Emotional Intelligence as a Defining Top leadership Quality

Emotional Intelligence as a Defining Top leadership Quality

An article by Mark Winkle

Emotional intelligence has long been recognised as a key capability of effective CIO’s and technical specialists. It is this capability which raises them above their peers and enables them to move into world class territory.

Strategic Networking for Reluctant Networkers

Strategic Networking for Reluctant Networkers

An article by Mark Winkle

Having worked with FDs, CIOs, head’s of supply chain and a wide range of ‘technical’ leaders over the years, it never fails to amaze me, that when we examine a recent ‘development report’, the sum of the constructive suggestions is often ‘go out and network more’, with little if any insight or intuition as to how this might be achieved.