
Governance Watch - Issue 52

Governance Watch - Issue 52

Change and Evolution

Beware the Ides of March, as they can prove to be treacherous. At a time when Britain appears ever more deeply mired in political stasis over the Brexit vote, we have also seen a steady roll-out of government reforms to improve corporate governance and the running of our businesses. The aim is to restore trust in business and its place in society, although ironically the Edelman Trust Barometer of 2019 shows that the British public trusts business far more than it trusts the government – as mentioned in the last Governance Watch.

If these reforms are now seen not to deliver real change, the threads of that trust will scatter on the chilly wind.

Governance Watch - Issue 50

Governance Watch - Issue 50

Diversity, Inclusion and Progression

We are more than half way into January, and when it comes to politics, the New Year feels very much like the old one. Facing multiple challenges around technological transformation, skills shortages and changing consumer aspirations, much of British business has been tearing its hair out on the uncertainty around Brexit for over two years. During that period the UK government has, in its pursuit of best practice and the lure of Britain for business and investment, taken many steps to raise the bar on corporate governance. 

Governance Watch - Issue 48

Governance Watch - Issue 48

Executive Pay: Context is Critical

The socio-economic climate of Brexit has made boardroom pay - already a topic regularly simmered and stirred in the United Kingdom across a broad range of stakeholders – into rich ground for politicians.

Governance Watch - Issue 44

Governance Watch - Issue 44

Regulation: No ‘race to the bottom’

The uncertainty around Brexit has resulted in heightened media scrutiny of contrasting comments about what might happen to regulation in order to keep Britain “competitive.” 

Governance Watch - Issue 41

Governance Watch - Issue 41


As we approach the end of a summer of discontent in the UK, business confidence is at its lowest in 2018, according to a survey by the Institute of Directors (IOD). The risks of a no-deal Brexit range from the impact on the NHS and the entire pharmaceutical industry to implications for more than €100 bn of European bank debt issued under English law. A ‘no-deal’ impact paper on financial services is among those listed to be published on Thursday

Governance Watch - Issue 24

Governance Watch - Issue 24

Watch List

As the year comes to a close, the business media headlines offer clear warning of the need to keep a close eye on the human dimensions of better corporate governance in the challenging environment around Brexit.

Governance Watch - Issue 22

Governance Watch - Issue 22


Good corporate governance requires transparency. In South Africa, the latest corporate governance code or King 1V, has put transparency at its heart. By contrast, we talk about transparency in corporate governance in the UK, but we keep coming up against walls of silence. Knocking on such a wall may well reveal that it is, in fact, a door. But it is firmly shut because the powers that be think that it’s “best.” 

Governance Watch - Issue 15

Governance Watch - Issue 15


All UK plc boardrooms should be watching carefully. Pensions keep coming up in the headlines and the stories rarely reflect well on the businesses concerned. They are increasingly being viewed as a corporate governance issue, and from there it is a small leap to reputation.