women in leadership

Accelerating Women Chairman in FTSE Board

Accelerating Women Chairman in FTSE Board

Diversity on boards is essential for success. Countless capable women candidates are being overlooked for the top role and it is time to change this.

This summer, Helen Pitcher OBE and some like-minded people started an initiative called "Accelerating Women Chairman in FTSE Board". The goal was to help headhunters, chairman and nominating committees to recognise the enormous pool of talented women who are ready to take on chairman roles.

The Evolution of Women into the Boardroom and Senior Leadership Roles

The Evolution of Women into the Boardroom and Senior Leadership Roles

An article by Advanced Boardroom Excellence for The Hawkamah Journal

"...a more fundamental question is answered if we define achievement of Women In Leadership equality as a successful longer term ‘sea change’ in the levels of women on Executive Management Committees and in Senior Leadership roles. This ‘sea change’ will provide the sustainable ‘supply’ of women to Boardrooms as the seed corn for a selection process based on merit thus avoiding the debilitating effect of a ‘tokenism’ label."